adovr_d87389c80da99bef8f38776d3f905184 Articles medical and health: Why You Need Spinal Decompression Santa Monica

Why You Need Spinal Decompression Santa Monica

By Mary Tucker

For those with chronic back pains, it is apparent that it has already caused unthinkable disruptions in your daily life. Most people are unable to think of anything else besides finding relief for the pain they are feeling. It is during such excruciating experiences that most people think of chiropractors. You may also want to find the most qualified Chiropractor Santa Monica therapists for a more permanent solution.

If you have finally made up your mind that you need to visit a chiropractor for this new therapy, it is important to give some thought into what you are getting into. Some of things may seem more important to you, but at the end of the day, you need to look at various factors in order to make informed decisions. For starters, back pains do not just start with one injury. There could be a series of events that led to the acute pain.

One of the best things about this non-invasive treatment for back and spine injuries is that patients do not have to wait in the clinics to recover. During normal surgical procedures, patients can stay for weeks and sometimes months, still recovering from the procedures. There is also anesthesia and all its side effects. With no post treatment care, this form of healing outstrips surgery.

For those who have been using sedatives or pain injections to control acute back pains, it goes without say that you must have already encountered some of the side effects. And this will become worse depending on the degree of pain. Most people for instance, complain of nausea, dizziness and drowsiness each time they used pain medication. Sad enough, this is something you have to put up with.

This means that unless you find a permanent solution to your spinal injury, you will live with those side effects for the rest of your normal life. For a moment there, you must have imagined how it feels to forget what normal life is. This could be where you are headed unless you are able to find a lasting solution to your present problem. In essence, painkillers only help to postpone the problem.

When you are receiving some other treatment, surgical procedures can become a huge hindrance. Doctors may advice on stopping one treatment and pursuing another. This can put you in a very challenging situation especially when the treatment you want to suspend is equally crucial. Spine manipulation on the other hand will not interfere with any treatments you are already taking.

If you thought back pains are bad enough, wait till you are told that you have a bad kidney or liver. Those are some of the effects of long term use of pain medication. It is therefore advisable that you try to minimize the use of painkillers. You do not want to start spending on dialysis or an organ transplant, something you did not anticipate.

That notwithstanding, you should take time to see a qualified doctor in that department. With excruciating back pains, a second opinion would be very crucial. Your problem may have a simple solution that you had not thought of in the first place.

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