adovr_d87389c80da99bef8f38776d3f905184 Articles medical and health: Learn More About Laser Hair Removal PA

Learn More About Laser Hair Removal PA

By Martha King

Unwanted hairs, especially in undesired areas, may be a source of embarrassment to many people. With this, people have sought to find new ways to permanently get rid of the problem. Most popular methods for removal eventually allow hairs to grow back making them cumbersome. Such methods include shaving, removal creams, waxing, threading, electrolysis and several others. The method considered most effective is the laser hair removal PA. This is because it allows the permanent reduction of hair giving it long lasting desired results.

This is a medical procedure that involves exposing a beam of highly concentrated light energy into the hair follicles. The absorption of this light by the follicles is what destroys the hairs. To obtain great results, the process can be done as a series of treatments around three to five times. Laser pulses are very quick, effective and are considered to take a fraction of a second. Each pulse treats a large area.

However, the time spent during the entire process is determined by the area treated. For instance. Legs or back can take forty-five minutes or an hour as compared to beard that can take roughly ten minutes. In most cases when one undergoes this process for about four to six times, they will never have hair growing on the treated areas again.

When you are preparing to undertake the procedure, you are advised not to pluck out, wax or electrolyze. The reason as to why this is recommended is that these activities affect the bulb or the source. When it is affected, the entire laser process will be useless as it deals with the origin and roots. It is also advisable for you to keep away from sunlight before undertaking the activity as well as after the exercise.

Hair removal will be ineffective to skin exposed to sunlight. This is because an increase in melanin pigment in the skin may make the laser find difficult in the distinction of hairs and skin. After the procedure, exposure to direct sunlight should be avoided as exposure to UV rays may bring about complications. Such risks require one to ensure that they are under the care of a highly skilled expert.

When properly done, it is accompanied with various merits. One of the merits is that it eliminates the problem of shaving, waxing, creaming and other activities forever. It also leaves your skin in a very soft and pleasing manner in terms of touch and feel. It also eliminates hair without touching the skin unlike other methods like shaving which at times cause irritation.

Unlike plucking or waxing, the procedure is painless and does not irritate the skin. Shaving cuts are also not a problem. Although it may be more costly than other methods it is safe and has no major untreatable side effects. The period of recovery is relatively short.

Like all medical procures, it has some side effects. The patient may have scarring, discoloration, redness or the appearance of pimples on the skin. Remedies may be used to treat such conditions. Skin cancer may come about if the procedure is carried out wrongly.

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