adovr_d87389c80da99bef8f38776d3f905184 Articles medical and health: Single Incision Laparoscopic Surgery Is Better And Here Is Why

Single Incision Laparoscopic Surgery Is Better And Here Is Why

By Pamela Barnes

Undergoing surgery is not a life event to look forward to. It does not matter how major or minor the procedure is. But what choice do humans have but to submit to the fate of being cut open if the situation calls for it. The choice literally becomes a matter of life and death.

Thanks to innovation and technology surgical alternatives are accessible, basically procedures that lessen open surgery complications. A minimally invasive operating method called Single Incision Laparoscopic Surgery, or SILS, is available now. This procedure only uses one single entry point and this means a lot of things for a patient.

The beauty that SILS offers is how it is fast and virtually scar less. Hypothetically, that city dweller from New York who does not have time to be sick and is too fashionable to have scars on their stomach, might need his appendix removed. SILS is how they get it done fast with the least cosmetic damage.

This also means that the probability of hemorrhaging is decreased. Laparoscopic surgery uses a long fiber optic cable that lets the surgeon view the affected area by inserting the cable from a distant but easily accessible location. Compared to the earlier multi port laparoscopy method, SILS only uses the navel as the point of entry.

Since this type of laparoscopy uses only a single port, there is a reduced risk in infection, a ratio of one versus five against normal operating procedures. This method is generally called MAS or Minimal Access Surgery. Since the patient does not feel as much pain, their narcotic dosage is also lessened along with their recovery time.

SILS is commonly used for many abdominal area surgeries. Appendectomy, or removing the appendix is a very common one among children. Single port surgery helps the gastrointestinal tract not to be unprotected from the contaminants in the air of the operating room since the stomach is not being cut open. This prevents the stomach lining from drying up to a compromising level and it makes it less likely for harmful bacteria to be absorbed.

There are many types of endoscopy procedures. SILS just happens to have an increasing popularity among practitioners. Despite this, there are still several cons with this process. Movement is restricted and the surgical instruments clash due to the narrowness of the incision to be operated on. The only way surgeons have found a way around this, since the beginning of laparoscopy, is constantly advancing medical technology.

MAS is a procedure that has surprisingly shown a lot of positive feedback from both the people in the medical field and patients. This procedure does not have a rising number of cases with complications such as incision induced hernias and bile duct injuries. Patients would also most favor having less cosmetically damaging operations.

While there are difficulties that come along with single port surgery procedures, it is safe to say that very good results have come out of it. Despite these difficulties their practitioners are still able and willing to go through the steep learning curve and increased operating times. Hopefully, the technology to circumvent the surgical challenges will be available as innovation advances.

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