adovr_d87389c80da99bef8f38776d3f905184 Articles medical and health: How Nickel Causes Hair Loss

How Nickel Causes Hair Loss

By Ida Dorsey

Nickel is a metallic elements that occurs naturally in nature. It has several uses in our daily lives. It occurs a silvery-white metal with a golden tinge. It is a transition element that is hard and can be rolled into wires. Ways in which nickel causes hair loss are yet to be proved. Study is still underway as pertaining this issue.

Nickel as a metal element has several applications in our world today. It is used in production of materials used in power production. Alloys with large proportions of nickel are used in creation of machines that are demanding in terms of resistance and strength. Such machines include gas turbines in chemical plants and other machinery too.

Mixtures of this metal with other metals are also used in the creation of electric and other forms of special engineering elements. These are called metal alloys. Addition it is also used in creating coins, and marine engineering as well. Marine engineering is also dependant on this special kind of metal to carry out its functionality. The electric application is the most used however as it is more universal in nature.

Without these materials, rechargeable cells would not be a possibility as well. These cells have endless applications in the modern world. These range from use in phones, laptops and touches and other communication gadgets. Due to the fact that they are magnetic also, these materials are used in the creation of compact discs and magnetic cassettes as well. Shiny home cutlery is also made using this material.

The many uses can be attributed to a number of very rare characteristics found in this element. It has the ability to withstand even the most corrosive elements in nature. It is also known to be very strong under both tensile and compressional forces. To add to that, this metal maintains all the above qualities even under high temperatures or low ones.

Despite the numerous uses of nickel, it also has a number of disadvantages in nature. In addition to heavy metal poisoning, its also known to cause allergies in people. This is due to the toxic nature of the metal. This element disrupts proper body functionality and causes one to react negatively to it. This allergic reaction can is sometimes severe in nature depending on the person

The allergic reaction is called contact dermatitis. This is a condition that generally comes from being in contact with the material for a long period of time. It has a number of signs and symptoms but these vary with various people also. Common among them is redness of the body especially face, an itchy irritation and a burning sensation as well.

In conclusion there nickel is useful in more ways than one can explain. And in as much as it has a number of shortcomings too, hair loss is not one of them. Therefore one should not worry about losing their hair due to exposure to nickel or any other metal element unless indicated clearly.

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