adovr_d87389c80da99bef8f38776d3f905184 Articles medical and health: Discover How A Bioidentical Hormone Doctor Philadelphia Creates Wellness Plans

Discover How A Bioidentical Hormone Doctor Philadelphia Creates Wellness Plans

By Julio Riess

The bevy of natural changes one goes through during their lifetime can change the way a body functions. Some ways in which they may be affected are in their sex drive, strength, mood and energy levels. Local Philadelphia customized wellness programs are one way in which bioidentical hormone doctors assist their patients.

These plans are designed to address the needs of both men and women who are feeling the results of changes in their natural hormone levels. The need for this kind of care generally starts in one's late 30's to early 40's. It is a total life package that involves correcting the imbalance with a combination of replacement therapy, fitness and nutrition.

Hormones are major influences on various aspects of one's well being including energy levels, moods and mental health. They may also affect physical changes in weight, bone density and muscle mass. The imbalances may be caused by things like andropause, menopause, environmental factors and pregnancy.

A specific battery of laboratory tests must be run in order to confirm that a person is actually experiencing an imbalance. Symptoms such as mood swings, hot flashes, weight changes, drop in energy levels, anxiety, depression and hair loss are all signs that this might be an issue. It takes a physician who is trained in this field to analyze all of the information and make the decision of what should be done.

Naturally occurring human hormones can be matched on a molecular level by bioidentical products. Thyroxine, melatonin, progesterone, testosterone, estrogen and more are often replaced by these substances. They are constructed using only natural ingredients and each dose is designed to the specifically unique needs of each patient.

Once the physician has determined which hormones are required and the amounts in which they are needed, they will decide the best delivery method. Some options include creams, pills, patches, gels and vaginal rings. Both the dosage and form will depend on the patient's circumstances.

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